Thursday, October 20, 2011

End of the World Tomorrow...Maybe!

Remember a while back when I wrote about Harold Camping and his prediction that the world was gonna end on May 21st? Well, if you do and you're reading this, then you obviously weren't Raptured, you heathen. But then again, neither was Harold Camping. So, what did he do when the world didn't end? Did he accept the Bible's own teachings when it said "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."?

Haha, you silly goose! That would require logical thought and an acceptance that one cannot predict the future based on the writings of people over 2,000 years ago who wanted a set of rules to get their people to straighten up and fly right.

No, rather than reexamine his faith, or instead of rereading his book and finding that irritating little passage of Matthew 24:36 quoted above and just accepting that what will be will be, he went back and yanked a new date for the end of the world out of his ass.

October 21st.

Yeah, kids. Seems Camping is back with a new date and not surprisingly, it is in the near future: October 21st. Tomorrow.

I think I've gained an insight into the mind of this man. He isn't really looking forward to the end of the world, Rapture or paradise. He is very old and doesn't want to accept his own mortality. It is something I pity.

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